My Review of Kent C. Dodds's EpicReact.Dev

In this series, I will write different blog posts based on workshop content from Kent C. Dodds's EpicReact.Dev as I go through it.

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The Lifecycle of React Hooks ComponentThe Lifecycle of React Hooks Component
Easily Detect Outside Click Using useRef HookEasily Detect Outside Click Using useRef Hook
How to Create a Reusable LocalStorage HookHow to Create a Reusable LocalStorage Hook
React Hooks: Managing State With useState HookReact Hooks: Managing State With useState Hook
React Fundamentals: Styling And Handling FormsReact Fundamentals: Styling And Handling Forms
React Fundamentals: Creating Custom ComponentsReact Fundamentals: Creating Custom Components
React Fundamentals: Understanding JSXReact Fundamentals: Understanding JSX
React Fundamentals: Intro to React Raw APIsReact Fundamentals: Intro to React Raw APIs
Javascript You Need To Know For ReactJavascript You Need To Know For React